SOZO School of Worship is a 9-month school, offered in conjunction with the SOZO School of Ministry. This school is dedicated to equipping worshippers for a lifestyle of worship from the secret place, to leading the body in corporate gatherings. SOZO School of Worship will introduce you to a greater understanding of Who and why we worship; teaching students a biblical foundation of praise, thanksgiving, and worship.
The school is available to all students who have graduated their First Year of SOZO School of Ministry. The school staff consists of teachers and leaders associated with the SOZO Network and SOZO Church family. SSW is currently a one-year mentorship track. As an SSW student, you will be developing musical skill, cultivating a creative expression, and leading others with sensitivity to Holy Spirit's leadership; learning what it means to minister to God as a priest and a son. You will be immersed in team connection and intimacy with The Father to bring a diversely unified song of gratitude, praise, and adoration to Jesus from the Pacific Northwest Region.
The school meets weekly on Thursday nights for 1 - 2 hours, as well as a few weekend workshops scattered over the course of the school year. Apply and Register Now. The SOZO School of Worship begins in September for fall quarter.
Apply for SOZO School of Worship